Prevent Phishing Attacks

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Don't Get Hooked! Prevent Phishing Attacks

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1. Learn what a Phishing Email looks like

A Phishing Email is an Email you receive made to look like a real company you might be familiar with or have an account with. These Emails are usually brief and center around a problem or reason for you to click a link or an attachment (e.g. your order shipped, free gift waiting, account being cancelled, etc.).

2. Check the Sender/Sender Address

Look at the sender of the Email and see if the name and address look legit. If the name is odd or the address is not similar to the business name, it may not be legit.

3. Check the Links

If there are links in the Email, put your mouse over them (but don't click!) and look at the bottom bar of your browser. When you mouse over a link it shows you where it points. This is often a key clue as their link is likely very odd looking and not at all to do with the company they are pretending to be.

4. Consider whether you were Expecting the Email

Look at the message and see if it makes sense to you. Did you recently contact them? Buy something from them? Is there a good reason they would be contacting you? Phishing Emails are often out-of-the-blue and shouldn't make sense to you.

5. Phishing emails can take many forms

Remember Phishing attacks come in many forms Phishing Emails became popular due to their imitation of banks but Phishing Emails can take many forms. We have seen Emails pretenting to be the NYPD (unpaid parking tickets), airports (flight itineraries), Verizon ($1200 cell bill), pizza parlors in Pennsylvania ($1000 pizza order), and Amazon (your order was delivered).

6. Know how companies communicate

Companies typically don't solely rely on Email for sensitive matters Even if companies do send you an Email about a sensitive issue, they should also call or send a letter as they can't guarantee you would see an Email. Be skeptical the moment you see an Email regarding your
account or your order through some business.

7. Err on the side of Caution

If you have the slightest doubt, delete the Email. If it was legit, you should get another Email, or a letter, or a phone call. You can call the company yourself and check into the situation (but don't use any phone number listed in the Email).

8. Contact TCC if you have any questions!

Let us know if you are still not sure or if you have questions!
