While we're spending more of our time around the house lately, we thought it would be helpful to share some websites and apps for arts & crafts.  Whether you want to get ideas to spruce up your home, find projects to keep the kids busy, or find ways to share or sell your own works, we hope you'll find what you are looking for at the following websites:



DIY Projects is a website with exactly what the name implies --- Do-It-Yourself projects!  DIY Projects offers ideas and tutorials on a wide range of projects from simple to complex and under a large umbrella of topics from home decor to organization to camping.  They even offer "Knowledge and Skill" tutorials for things like basic electrical work, tiling, and furniture repair.  DIY Projects is definitely a great place to look if you're looking for something to do!



YouTube -- the original "video" website, YouTube is an absolute gold mine of arts & crafts videos from home-made videos to professional productions.  Of course, YouTube is much more than arts & crafts videos and commercials are now a pretty common occurrence so you'll have a fair share of interruptions and suggested videos that have nothing to do with your topics.  But it is still a great resource for learning skills and seeing finished products.  The only knock against YouTube is that you have to type in keywords of what types of projects or materials for projects you are looking for since YouTube is so much more than craft videos.  However, once you watch a few videos, you'll see more craft videos on your "home" YouTube page.  If you are crafty, you might even want to start  your own YouTube channel and post your own videos!



Bluprint (formerly Craftsy) is a website and app devoted to crafts including ideas, tutorials, instructions, and even online classes.  Bluprint covers Fabric/Fiber, Food, Art, and Living (Home) crafts.  This website seems a little more devoted to the fabric and fiber crafts including sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidering and more.




Pinterest is both a website an an app mostly for showcasing your finished products while inspiring the creativity in others.   It is considered the best for displaying crafty ideas and foods.  Users create accounts and post pictures of their projects and dishes.  For better organization, Pinterest lets you create separate "boards" for each type/topic of arts/crafts that you want to pin (post).  That way all of your pictures aren't just lumped together in one collection.  You can also follow your favorite people so you get notifications when they post to their boards.



Lifehack -- The word "hack" in this website's name means "to find a work-around" -- or, more specifically to find creative and clever ideas to do things (big or small) in unique ways or in a DIY fashion.  The main Lifehack website focuses on bigger things like career changes, entertainment ideas, diet and recipe ideas, travel destinations, parenting, finances, etc. -- life changing things.  But inside this website (and easily searchable on other websites) are the "life hacks" for brilliant tips for simple, cheap, and effective ways to make small things in your life a little easier or better.  Look on this website or just go to Google or YouTube and search "life hacks". has a page devoted to the top 100 Life Hacks: